Sunday 31 July 2011

The feeling to read and write has intensified since my return from the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity and my trip to Sydney, conversing with my fellow human beings on the meaning of my reality, seeking coherence and understanding. I was fascinated once again by learning. An idea Friere shares is that "education isn't for life, education is life". I realised once again at that moment the profound impact learning has on ones life as an essential requirement for advancement and growth in all areas of our existence.

Linking with this idea of life long learning was that I was thinking about how to translate a yearning for excitement into a commitment to long term action. I have come to believe that commitment to long term action implies spiritual qualities and attitudes. They draw on the sacred qualities of the soul such as steadfastness, perseverance, persistence and patience. Such commitment requires the individual to move beyond instinctual compliance to the pleasure principle, an animalistic trait that has man tied to the shackles of his material life, seeking at every moment, a superficial joy, a euphoric feeling that may sustain them at best for a day, week or maybe even a year, but definitely not a life time. To move beyond the hedonistic view of our reality that we exist for our simple momentary pleasures. To also realise the paradox we live in, to understand that we must be fully engaged in the moment not just for now but for tomorrow. To think of our present as the future in the past. If we take such a view we will not be living in the present for the pure recreation of so called beautiful feelings and experiences but will realise the enduring affect our thoughts and actions will have on the future, if we act with the intent for an enduring advancement.

It reminds me of the two lines in paragraph 5 of the December 28 Message 2010 of the Universal House of Justice where They write: "Unqualified love free from paternalism will be indispensable if they are to help turn hesitation into courage born of trust in God and transform a yearning for excitement into a commitment to long-term action. Calm determination will be vital as they strive to demonstrate how stumbling blocks can be made stepping stones for progress."

What crucial and beautiful ramifications such concepts would have on our thoughts and actions?

Posted by Posted by P.R.A.loveslife at 2:50 am


