Wednesday 15 October 2008

You know sometimes I just love to observe, people, nature and my surroundings. What makes up the world I am living in.

One day i was out walking about in the world with my grandpa and as we are talking about life, its processes and certain key aspects, I was somewhat drawn into the beauty of seeing the birds that were fly in the sky that evening, and how gracefully and beautifully with co-ordination they were flying as a unified whole! Then I saw some birds flying alone in the distant, looking for the flock he/she belonged to, then I had seen some smaller groups that also flew beautifully in the sky in unison. 

These birds that night continually played through my head, the different groups, the different species, the different locations around the world that birds live and then I thought to myself, WOW! The birds in the sky are actually so similar to humanity, the way they function, the way they operate and the way they conform to certain groups, places and things. When stumbling upon this realisation it was as though it reinforced my absolute belief in the unity of all things Created! These birds, that were animals, in someway did and had characteristics similar to humans and humans in someway have similarities to those of the animal kingdom. The oneness of the world is overwhelming!

Humanity just as the birds are in search. In a constant search, for happiness, safety, stability of life and its resources. We are all in our own small flocks (our families) flying around this world, moving here and moving there, striving to find the best possible location that will provide us with the qualities of life we are after. Then we join up, make friends with and develop connections and certain relationships that are and will be with us forever. BUT? The ultimate search in my eyes is that of seeking out and striving to connect our hearts with God. This is the true search of each individuals life. If we are not immersing ourselves in this continual search of growth, development and connection to those beautiful things of Creation, we will struggle in life!

This is why the Baha'i Faith has come to unite and bring together the hearts of men from all walks of life uniting us in One Common Faith. We are just as the birds in the sky, in search. We are in this group, then with that group, then that flock and suddenly, sometimes we feel we can do it all alone. Let me tell you one thing, the more birds in one flock, the more beautiful, the more powerful, the humble, the more graceful, the more peaceful, the more knowledgeable that flock of birds will be! There is only one Human Race, let us join to together in love and harmony so that we can experience, see, feel and express, what it mean to be WHOLE! To be ONE! To be UNITED! 

I will leave you with the Words of Baha'u'llah the founder of the Baha'i Faith. In which He express' the beauty and importance of SEARCH!

Know thou of a truth that the seeker must, at the beginning of his quest for God, enter the Garden of Search. In this journey it behoveth the wayfarer to detach himself from all save God and to close his eyes to all that is in the heavens and on earth....In this journey the seeker becometh witness to a myriad changes and transformations, confluences and divergences. He beholdeth the wonders of Divinity in the mysteries of creation and discovereth the paths of guidance and the ways of His Lord. Such is the station reached by them that search after God, and such are the heights attained by those who hasten unto Him.

Posted by Posted by P.R.A.loveslife at 5:41 am


