Thursday 6 March 2008

Release, what does it mean to you? What does it mean in the dictionary? What does it mean to the person next to you? Release?

Release, Release, Release................Think about it........What does it mean to release?

I looked up the meaning at and found the best meanings that fitted the purposes and context of this blog for the word Release. The few that i felt were relevant are:
  • to free from anything that restrains, fastens, etc.
  • to allow to be known, issued, done, or exhibited
  • a freeing or releasing from confinement, obligation, pain, emotional strain, etc.
Release is something that is so important, in the progression of self in this mortal world we live in. We must all come to terms in being able to release our inner self! This is one way in which we will assist ourselves in reaching our true potential, being able to find those Hidden Gems within us.

Today when i was walking home, I was listening to one of my favourite songs right now and it was discussing this exact idea behind the release of self. The name of the song is Big Sky-John O'Callaghan Ft Audrey Gallagher.

It touched me and made me realize that this life is just like the Big Sky, it is boundless, endless, eternal, everlasting etc. Sure physically we will all pass onto the Worlds beyond us, but for now the way in which we can strive for this happiness and a life filled with limitless opportunities is just as the big sky. I am not sure if that makes sense to the reader but this comes back to the part where i was explaining somethings i might be saying are in the Pharan-o-sphere and at times are out of reach for others. We all have our own sphere, that belong to us and can not be entered or altered by anyone but God. People are able to get close but they will never enter your reality. Be aware that you are the big sky, able to shape you, your actions, your day, your year, your life, your journey!

Some of the thought evoking lyrics of interest are listed below:

  • Breath in this moment, its come and gone, further and faster, through your soul, open your eyes and raise your arms........................
  • Release yourself, its a big sky, reveal yourself, its a big sky, we love, we leave, we take, we give, release yourself, its a big sky......................
  • It's a Big Sky
  • Further and faster, through your soul, open your eyes, open your mind, release yourself, its a big sky, reveal yourself, its a big sky, we love , we leave, we take , we give, release yourself, its a big sky.........
I feel that it is important for you to read and interpret these words for yourself. The power of them and understanding lies in your own mind.

Then i went onto read about what the Baha'i Writings have to say about release of self.

Abdul-Baha said that: When one is released from the prison of self, that is indeed release, for that is the greater prison. When this release takes place, then one cannot be outwardly imprisoned. When they put my feet in stocks, I would say to the guard, 'You cannot imprison me, for here I have light and air and bread and water. There will come a time when my body will be in the ground, and I shall have neither light nor air nor food nor water, but even then I shall not be imprisoned.' The afflictions which come to humanity sometimes tend to centre the consciousness upon the limitations, and this is a veritable prison. Release comes by making of the will a Door through which the confirmations of the Spirit come."

"The confirmations of the Spirit are all those powers and gifts which some are born with (and which men sometimes call genius), but for which others have to strive with infinite pains. They come to that man or woman who accepts his life with radiant acquiescence."

This Beautiful example from Abdul-Baha, makes me really thing about those confirmations of the Spirit in which arrive to us through acceptance of ones life with radiant acquiescence. We must all strive with all our hearts to Praise and show are utmost Gratitude to God or whatever you believe is Out There for having been given you this life you possess and having the capacity to do what you need to do in your life! something that is unique to all of us, we all experience it in our own beautiful way. I am also not sure, if anyone will fully reach this Release, but i think the most important thing is that we are aware of it, the power it possesses, the Blessings it will bring on this ride to eternal happiness. Remember everlasting happiness doesn't mean always being on top of the world but rather, going through trials and difficulties in search, in search of this happiness, in search of these confirmations of the Spirit.

Release, maybe this week, or today it could be your focus, or even for those of us that are fasting we can make it apart of the remainder of this fast, to RELEASE ourself! Release from whatever we need to release from, to try and start grasping the idea of releasing, revealing, relieving ourself!



Posted by Posted by P.R.A.loveslife at 8:42 pm



Ashkan said...

thanks bro, that was awesome and inspiring
much much love
